Do the books have to be from the SCL?
While we do not require that all books/audio materials are owned by the library, we would prefer that the majority of your Summer Reading Program materials are from the library.
Is my child too young to participate?
We offer programs for ages Birth through Adult. We encourage parents to read to even the newest of babies. It is never too early to develop a love of reading!
My child does not read yet. Can he still participate?
Yes! Children learn to love books and stories from their adults. Count all the pages read to your non-reader!
Does my child have to attend all the activities?
Summer Literacy Activities are offered to encourage participation in the Reading portion of the Program. We do not expect every child to show up at every event. Join us whenever you can!
Am I too old to participate?
You are never too old to read for prizes! Check out our Adult Reading Program and the Adult Step Challenge.
Can we log our reading online?
Yes! Visit www.stevenscountylibrary.com, click on the Literacy Programs button, select your program, and log in with your Username and Password.
What is my Username/Password?
In most cases, your username is your first and last name separated by a period (.) (jane.austen) and your password is your first initial last name (jausten). If your last name is shorter than 4 letters or longer than 10 OR if you created your own username/password and have misplaced it, please contact Miss Stacey for your correct username/password. (620) 544-2301 or email youthservices@stevenscountylibrary.com
Can we read the same book over and over and over and…?
If your child loves one book more than others, by all means, count those pages as many times as you read it!! Please do, however, read some other books for variety!
What should I do when a book is not printed with page numbers?
You’ll just have to count the pages manually. It’s also acceptable to check the library catalog or Amazon for page numbers.
Do audiobooks count?
Yes, audio materials count for as many pages as the paper book is worth. Check out downloadable audiobooks here using your Kansas eCard. Don’t have a Kansas eCard? Give us a call and we’ll hook you up!
Do ebooks count?
Yes, ebooks count for as many pages as the paper book is worth. Check out downloadable ebooks here using your Kansas eCard. Don’t have a Kansas eCard? Give us a call and we’ll hook you up!
Do magazines count?
Yes, every magazine page counts for one page.